Gemstone Sand Jars
Beautifully colored gemstone sand to utilize for your practice. All jars are 180g.
Angelite is the stone of compassion and conscious awareness. It facilitates telepathic communication. It will assist in healing, and opens psychic channeling. Due to its ability to enhance the attunement and increased perception, Angelite is a intense stone for healers. It is a protective stone for the environment and body.
Amethyst will ease stress and strain as well as sooth irritability and balance mood swings. It dispels anger, any type of fear and anxiety. It protects against psychic attacks.
Black tourmaline is used for grounding and protection. In fact, it is known to be one of the most powerful stones used for protection. You can use it in tandem with selenite to meditate to cleanse your energy. It helps ease anxiety and is an excellent stone to keep on your nightstand if you have trouble in your sleep.
Bloodstone is a grounding, protective stone associated with the base Chakras. It is known to build self esteem, encourage selflessness, heighten intuition, stimulate dreaming, decision making & increase creativity. Bloodstone reduces irritability, aggressiveness, and impatience.
Carnelian is excellent when you are in need of courage. It promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is a powerful stone to assist in overcoming abuses including negative conditioning. It helps you when you are to learning to trust your yourself and your perceptions.
Chrysocolla enhances your drive and ambition particularly if you are lazy and also improves nervousness and irritability. It will assist in releasing fear, is a stone that sends tranquil and sustaining vibrations if you wear while meditating. It helps you adjust to constantly changing situations.
Clear quartz is a stone of protection and is used to enhance emotional stability. It is excellent for meditation and restorative work. It amplifies psychic abilities and pinpoints desires.
Citrine is used to attain prosperity, success and wealth. It will stimulate intellect, self confidence and self esteem. It is also used to heighten joy and enthusiasm.
Epidote is used for spiritual growth and to open, cleanse and activate the heart chakra
Garnet inspires love and devotion. It is known balance sex drive and alleviates emotional stressors. It will also insight hope, courage and if needed the survival instinct.
Green Aventurine declutters the energy field specifically around your heart chakra. It provides a soothing energy, balancing emotions. It encourages one to release attachment to outcomes and to be more present in the experience instead and focus on the spiritual growth gained. This is also a stone of luck.
Hessonite protects the mind and the will allow you to experience mental relief and freedom from mental agony. It will give clarity in mind and assist in releasing fears. It gives confidence in thoughts, words, and actions, and clears mental confusion,
Lapis stimulates inner vision, spiritual wisdom and psychic ability. It enhances peace, serenity and releases stress. It is known to be used when searching for universal truth.
Magano Calcite is used for serenity and is know to help release grief and fear.
Peridot is used for abundance, harmony and good health.
Rainbow Moonstone is used for intuition, magic, spiritual purity and opening the heart to empathy.
Rhodonite is used for emotional healing and is a balancer of emotions.
Rose quartz is known as the crystal of unconditional love. This beautiful stone is encouraging of self love and acceptance. It opens the heart to inner healing, peace, calming and reassurance. It promotes friendship, harmony in love and unconditional love.
Shungite is used for purification.
Sodalite is used for communication and calmness of the mind.
Turquoise is used for spiritual well being, hope and good fortune.
Yellow Aventurine is utilized for prosperity, balance, creativity, optimism, calmness, and self-reflection.